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Live API: Error Messages

This topic lists error messages returned by the Live API. This is work in progress. If you see an error that is not listed here, let the Learning Services team know, and we will add it.

Error message reference

Live API Error Messages
Error Description Applies to Response Body
400 BAD_REQUEST The region specified in the request does not exist or is not supported Create live job { "error": "Invalid region" }
400 BAD_REQUEST The duration of the cue point being inserted needs to be, at least, twice the length of the segments in the job Insert cuepoint { "error": "The parameter duration should be greater than or equal to (2 * target duration) of the job" }
400 BAD_REQUEST The JSON included an invalid value for some field Create live job, create VOD clip, create/update ad configuration, create/update beacon set, ingest slate, create beacon set { "error": "Invalid input value" }
400 BAD_REQUEST The notification url was missing the protocol or the protocol is not a supported type Create live job, create VOD clip, create/update ad configuration, create/update beacon set, ingest slate, create beacon set { "error": "The notification target type is not supported currently" }
400 BAD_REQUEST The number of SEP jobs allowed is limited. You will also receive this error if you include "channel_type": "24x7" in the create job request, and have purchased only SEPs, not events. Create live job { "error": "You've reached the number of static entry points jobs you can create in this region for your account" }
400 BAD_REQUEST Only 5 jobs in a waiting state (waiting for an encoder to be connected) are allowed. To create additional jobs, you will need to connect an encoder to one of the waiting jobs or cancel it Create live job { "error" : "You've reached the number of waiting jobs you can create for your account" }
400 BAD_REQUEST To create VOD assets you need to use our own delivery The most likely cause is that you are requesting a full VOD asset or a clip on an encrypted stream. VOD assets for encrypted streams are not supported { "error": "The notification target type is not supported currently" }
401 UNAUTHORIZED The X-API-KEY header was not sent with the request, or the key value was not valid All requests { "message": "Unauthorized" }
404 RESOURCE_NOT_FOUND The request URL was faulty All requests { "message": "Unauthorized" }
500 INTERNAL_SERVER_ERROR You attempted to stop a live job that has already been stopped Cancel live job { "error": "After filtering, there is no job to process" }
500 INTERNAL_SERVER_ERROR You specified a job or asset id that does not exist Get job details, cancel live job, activate SEP job, insert cuepoint, insert ID3 timed metadata, create VOD clip { "error": "DB getItem, no results found" }
400 BAD_REQUEST The following message is displayed when the limit of 5 RTMP Outputs per Live Job is reached. RTMP outputs are limited to 5 outputs per Live job { "error":"RTMP outputs limit reached, failed to add" }