In this topic, you will learn how to enable content protection for your live stream.
Enabling DRM for Live content
Playback technologies used
The Brightcove Player utilizes different DRM playback technologies with different browsers. The DRM technologies used with Brightcove Player are:
FairPlay: Apple's DRM system
PlayReady: Microsoft's DRM system
Widevine: Google's DRM system
The following table details the relationship between the browser (latest version), format and playback technology used in Brightcove Player:
Playback Technology
Rendition Type Used
to Deliver DRM Content
Chrome Desktop
HLS with Widevine
Chrome Mobile
HLS with Widevine (iOS)
HLS with Widevine (Android)
Internet Explorer
No versions of IE are supported by Brightcove
HLS with Widevine
HLS with FairPlay
Native HLS
HLS with Widevine
1DASH + PlayReady using Edge on iOS is not supported.
To enable DRM for your Live content follow these steps:
When creating a live event, in Advanced Options > Content Encryption. Select Digital Rights Management(DRM) from the Encryption dropdown.
Digital Rights Management (DRM) - Secure Premium content stream with Digital Rights Management technologies.
An additional Token Expiration option will appear, allowing you to select the time in seconds with a minimum expiration time frame of 900 seconds and a maximum of 2592000 seconds (the last equal to 30 days).
When the event is created, in the event information panel, you will be able to see the DRM URLs for Fairplay and Widevine.
To publish a DRM-enabled event, click Publish and Embed in the left navigation.
In Live Player Options section, select a DRM enabled player. (For Live DRM playback you will need to select or create a DRM enabled player v6.37.1 or greater).
If you don’t have a DRM player available, create one using the Players module. In the Playback settings, make sure that the Enable DRM option is selected. (The Player for Live DRM playback has to be v6.37.1 or greater).
Back in the Live module, you will be able to select your DRM enabled player and publish the event.