Fields for Custom Live Ingest Profiles

This topic provides a reference for the fields used in Live ingest profiles.

Profile fields

Property Type Description Default
account_id integer The Video Cloud account id none
name string The profile name - must be unique within the account none
display_name string The a display name for the profile to appear in the Studio Admin page - may be the same as name, but should be descriptive to help users understand the intended use for the profile none
description string The profile description none
model_version integer Set this to 1 to make the profile show up in the Live Module none
renditions array Array of rendition objects []
packages array Array of DRM packages - currently, DRM is not supported, so this should always be an empty array []

Rendition fields

The tables below show fields that can be used in the request body for updating live ingest profiles.

Property Type Description Default
audio_bitrate integer audio bitrate in kbps (min: 16, max: 1024) match source
audio_codec string Audio codec - aac | mp3 Determined by the format or profile, in most cases, aac will be best
decoder_bitrate_cap integer in kbps, the max bitrate fed to the decoder via a buffer none
decoder_buffer_size integer in kbps, the size of the buffer fed to the decoder when using a bitrate_cap none
format string Video format - ts, mp4, flv none
h264_profile string H.264 has three commonly-used profiles: Baseline (lowest), Main, and High. baseline
keyframe_interval integer Maximum number of frames between keyframes 250
label string Image type for image renditions - poster or thumbnail none
live_stream boolean whether this will be live video stream none
live_dvr_sliding_window_duration integer Duration of stream to keep available for LiveDVR delivery in seconds 300
max_video_bitrate integer in kbps, 123 = 123kbps - h264 only none
media_type string video or audio none
video_bitrate integer in kbps, 123 = 123kbps (min: 64, max: 10000) none
video_codec string e.g. h264, ts Determined by the format or profile
width integer frame width in pixels none
height integer frame height in pixels none